Hungry Belly

So: this was the week when I bowed down to buying digital music. And since Apple’s iTunes Music store scheme has serious disadvantages (being: i. only available to Norte Americanos. ii. using aac at too poor a quality and iii. using DRM), I bought it from elsewhere, namely Audio Lunchbox. Truth be told, I actually stumbled over it, and truth be told, I only bought a record from them because I feel the urge to pay the piper once in a while. Not that seldom, actually, but my economy being what it is, I can’t afford to pay as often as I’d like to.

Audio Lunchbox – A Capsule Review: pros: i. very good selection of independent labels & artists ii. tracks available as both mp3 and ogg of decent quality iii. documented good artist pay (65% of the prize)

cons: i. slow download speed (at 30 K/sec, this was unexpectedly slow)

So, this being sunday morning, I can not think of much other to write. Except writing “welcome back” to Jenny with her new goodlooking Little Priest weblog. Sweet potatoes, indeed.

Other than that: nicotine, the upcoming !!! album, ubuweb, Molly Roth, Judson Fountain, Sultans, Black Dice, the Hellboy movie, Xiu Xiu, the Lightning Bolt encore video, Mission of Burma‘s comeback, Mokira, A Frames, Blankets, Real Stuff, Cocorosie, Modest Mouse, Orkstorm, Astroglides & Thomas frรฅn Sverige.

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